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Mid 1990's Vermont Expos Snapback

Last week's Montreal Expos post was a little heavy but y'all know how I get when I get to talking about that dang team! While this week continues on the Expos trend, I wanted to showcase this ever-so-fun Vermont Expos snapback from the mid-1990's.

That's Champ. He's the team's mascot and he's an undeniably happy little fella there isn't he? He couldn't get mad if he wanted to. Even if Jeffrey Loria wanted to drain the swamp (or lake) in which he lives.

I was looking for a fitted version of this cap but it's a hard cap logo to find so I'm happy with the snapback version for now. 

We've definitely seen this tag before and while it's not a giveaway for a specific year, the lack of the "New Era flag" tags tells me it's pre-1997.

As far as I've been able to tell, the MILB batterman has appeared on caps around 1994 at the earliest. You're seeing it from the inside here so you can appreciate the lovely, albeit faint, "Made in U.S.A." embossed snap.

I love to put pins on certain caps, especially if they fit the theme of the cap somehow

I chose this Comic Book Guy pin because he's meant to represent a Jaded Vet which is a name for a Phish fan who's seen "a high but unspecified number of shows over a long but undetermined length of time to qualify as being a real fan" or something like that.  

This pin ties together two of my biggest interests: Phish and baseball. Wearing it on a Vermont Expos cap is the right move because Phish is from Vermont but also because Comic Book Guy is wearing a "Worst Show Ever" shirt. It's a reference to a Simpsons episode which is aptly named "Worst Episode Ever" and if you've met a Jaded Vet then you can appreciate the "excellent placement" of this pin on a Vermont Expos cap!

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