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Arnhem Groupe Build Project Part 2

Here is the progress on this project I did so far. Not very much at this moment because I had some problems with painting the figures. I tried to paint them with of a lot of drybrushing but I wasn't happy with the result. The one I"m showing now is better in my eyes.
Excuse me for not so good pictures but I didn't take them in daylight and my camera is getting a bit old. I think it's about time to look for a new one.
First I started with the checkpoint cabine. I used one color of brown and gave the roof a black wash and the sides a devlan mud wash. I'm thinking to do a slight drybrush with some dark grey. What do you think?
Here I sorted out all the parts needed. I didn't do the barrier yet. That is something for the next days.

Some pictures of the cabine with an English soldier I painted in 2014 in one of the duels on Benno's Figures Forum.

And here is one of the volunteers that will take place on the tank. I used the Revell color scheme to paint him and finished him with a Sepia Wash. It looks better as with drybrushing. I'm curious about your opinion.
Pinned them!

White undercoat!

Finished figure front!

Finished figure back!

Finished figure left side!

Finished figure right side!
He really looks better in real. As said bad pictures. I hope to make some better ones next time. Now I will start with the tank. And together with the barrier I can start making the base. The figures on the tank will depend on how much time I have left.
And now again some promotion for the event. Maybe I can convince some people to pass by on this day.


Wargaming & miniatures event in the Netherlands

Sunday 5 June 2016, Arnhem (NL)


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