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MIDNITE 4 MANIACS: A Bratpack Valentine for John Hughes

Now would be the time to put on Datarock's "Molly" off their Red album and sing along: "Molly Ringwald / you're pretty in pink / Molly Ringwald / I know what you think / that I'll forget you / the girl of my dreams / that I'll neglect you / as rude as it seems…."

Then, while crooning along with that tune, consider reading David Kamp's profile of John Hughes—"Sweet Bard of Youth"—in the current issue of Vanity Fair. Kamp offers a triple hitter, not only with his in-magazine feature, but an online exclusive of bonus thoughts and stories about John Hughes courtesy of the stars of his celebrated teen films of the 1980s. Plus: A selection of short stories by Hughes and photographs of items in his archives (including some fantastic drawings).

And all of this is, of course, to prepare for the Brat Pack valentine Jesse Hawthorne Ficks and Midnite 4 Maniacs have programmed this Friday and Saturday at the Castro Theatre. Here's their schedule:

Friday, February 12

7:30PM Some Kind of Wonderful (1987)—Finally, a 35mm print is available! John Hughes' most under-rated and uncompromised teen classic! Don't miss Mary Stuart Masterson in one of the most baadasssss performances of the 80s.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)—Come save Ferris in this seminal high school gem at the greatest movie theatre in the country!

National Lampoon's Vacation (1983)—Long before Van Wilder, National Lampoon made this spectacularly sleazy romp! Stay up late with the Griswald family and watch this uncut R-rated 35mm print!

Saturday, February 13

2:00PM Sixteen Candles (1984)—The film that changed teen films forever! Come on out and admire girls' panties, headgear and the almighty Long Duk Dong (Gedde Watanabe)!

The Breakfast Club (1985)—We're screening the original R-rated version, complete with sex, drugs and dandruff!

Pretty In Pink (1986)—There's no better film to watch on Valentine's weekend! All hail to Andie, Blaine & The Duckman!

Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)—Long before Up In the Air, this R-rated exploration of a "Business-Man" is not only Steve Martin's favorite film but packs quite a poignant punch! It's time Martin and Candy be recognized alongside cinema's comedic-duo greats!

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